The Matcha Gin Tonic is one of my favourite cocktails. It has such a unique and refreshing taste. This green cocktail is also perfect for Christmas!
Preventing lumps
Before you start shaking all the ingredients. It is very important to mix the matcha first with a little liquid to prevent lumps. I just put the matcha powder in a cocktail glass and mixed it with the sugar water.

Time to add the other ingredients (except the tonic) and some ice. It is very important to add ice if you are using a cocktail shaker. The ice will create a vacuum effect that will make sure the saker will stay in place. If you don’t have a cocktail shake you can mix the ingredients in a glass.

Finishing the cocktail
To make the cocktail look good fill each glass with ice before you add the tonic. You can also add some mint leaves to make the cocktail look extra pretty.

1/2 tsp matcha powder Enjoy!
30 ml lemon juice
60 ml gin
20 ml simple syrup
Tonic to top up